Laura Taylor

  • ZE 875 Cock a Doodlie Doo 18"x12" 13 or 18 mesh Stitch guide available from Laura Taylor
  • ZE 321-  15" x 17.5".  Available in 13 or 18 mesh. I designed this as the back of a chair but it could certainly stand alone. See the complete set in Chairs
  • ZE 546 - 12" x 9"  Available in 13 or 18 mesh. This is the most recent addition to the bird portraits in Gold Frames.
  • ZE 413 -  14" x 11 ".  Available in 13 or 18 mesh. There are several stitch guides for this canvas. one by Laura Taylor and one by Ruth Schmuff , of Bedecked and Beadazzled.
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